Here comes our new tourism promotional film for the Nova Gorica tourism. Breathtaking scenery, combined with great people and delicious food makes Nova Gorica a truly magic Slovenian region. Feel it, taste it and experience it.
Client: Turisticna Zveza TIC – Nova Gorica
Destination manager: Dejana Basa
Agency: Nea Culpa, Tourism marketing agency
Art director: Neja Petek
Director cinematographer: Drazen Stader
Video production: Produkcija Studio
Drone photography: Onedrone
Postproduction: Produkcija Studio
Shot on: Red dragon 6k, Freefly movi gimbals, flowcine, easy rig, inspire raw dji drones, all equipment rentals available from Produkcija Studio
I feel Slovenia tvc - German version
With over 3 million views on youtube alone our promotional campaign for this year's I feel Slovenia is a worldwide success!! We guess that the beauty of this amazing country named Slovenia was very hard to keep a secret for long time. Now it is the time for you to discover it yourself and create your own unforgettable memories. The journey starts now 🙂
Masha B. - Digital Delights
A collaboration of artist in order to depict a sensual preparation for an adventurous night out of our hypnotic model Masha B.
The amazing Nadiya Bychkova
Some collaborations are simply amazing and this was one of is a short insert we did with the dancing superstar Nadiya Bychkova during our production of the weekly show DaShow for Planet tv.